What Is Intimacy in a Relationship?

Abstract Illustration: an intimate couple
Abstract Illustration: an intimate couple

Intimacy is a complex and deeply personal aspect of human relationships, often regarded as the glue that binds us emotionally, mentally, and physically to our partners. It's that profound connection that goes beyond the surface and allows us to be our authentic selves with someone special. In this article, we'll explore the significance of intimate relationships, discuss whether a relationship can survive without intimacy, and provide insights into creating intimacy in a new relationship.

Why Do We Need Intimate Relationships?

Intimate relationships fulfill essential human needs and contribute to our overall well-being in several ways:

  1. Emotional Support: Intimate partners offer emotional support during life's ups and downs. Sharing vulnerabilities and feelings in a safe space fosters trust and deepens the emotional connection.

  2. Enhanced Communication: Intimate relationships encourage open and honest communication. The ability to express thoughts and feelings freely promotes understanding and problem-solving.

  3. Physical Affection: Intimacy often includes physical affection, which releases oxytocin, a hormone associated with bonding and stress reduction. Hugs, kisses, and cuddles are vital for maintaining emotional closeness.

  4. Shared Experiences: Intimate partners create memories together through shared experiences, building a unique history that strengthens their bond.

  5. Sense of Belonging: Intimate relationships provide a sense of belonging and security, knowing that someone cares deeply about your well-being.

Can a Relationship Survive Without Intimacy?

Intimacy is a cornerstone of healthy relationships, but can a relationship survive without it? While it's possible for relationships to endure without physical intimacy, they may lack depth and emotional connection. Here are some considerations:

Emotional Intimacy

Emotional intimacy is the bedrock of a strong relationship, characterized by the ability to share your deepest, most personal feelings with your partner. According to psychological research, emotional intimacy is about being vulnerable and open, creating a safe space where both partners feel heard, understood, and cared for. This type of intimacy is critical for resilient relationships and personal well-being, as it allows partners to feel safe, secure, and satisfied in their connection​​​​​​​​​​.

Intellectual Intimacy

According to research, intellectual intimacy involves a deep connection through the sharing of thoughts and ideas, allowing both partners to express themselves freely, even when opinions differ. This type of intimacy fosters a deeper understanding and respect for each other's perspectives. It encourages intellectual curiosity, growth, and learning as a couple, contributing to personal development and a stronger bond​​​​​​​​.

Physical Intimacy

Physical intimacy, while often associated with sexual activities, encompasses all forms of physical closeness, such as hugging, holding hands, and cuddling. This intimacy lowers blood pressure, releases oxytocin, and is vital for overall physical and emotional well-being. It helps couples overcome insecurities, feel more connected, and is crucial for long-term relationship success​​​​​​​​​​. Captured from sources [1] [2] [3]

Experiential Intimacy

Experiential intimacy is built through shared activities, adventures, and life events, fostering a deep connection between individuals. It is essential in various relationships, including romantic partnerships, as it creates an intimate mixture through personal encounters and shared experiences​​​​. (Source: [1] [2] )

Spiritual Intimacy

Spiritual intimacy involves opening your hearts to each other and to your faith. It transcends surface-level interactions, reaching into shared understanding and mutual exploration of life’s mysteries. Spiritual intimacy is crucial as it can bring two people closer together, providing faith to lean on during both good and bad times, and is key to marital health​​​​​​​​. (Source: [1] [2])

How Can One Create Intimacy in a New Relationship?

Creating intimacy in a new relationship requires time, effort, and genuine connection. Here are some tips for building intimacy with a new partner:

1. Open and Honest Communication: Start by sharing your thoughts, feelings, and life experiences. Be a good listener, too, allowing your partner to express themselves without judgment.

2. Vulnerability: Show your true self, including your vulnerabilities. Learning to inculcate an element of play in your communication will help you be vulnerable without feeling vulnerable.

3. Quality Time: Spend quality time together, engaging in activities that you both enjoy. Shared experiences strengthen your connection.

4. Physical Affection: Physical touch is a powerful way to create intimacy. Hold hands, cuddle, and share affectionate moments.

5. Trust-Building: Trust is the foundation of intimacy. Keep your promises, be reliable, and avoid betraying your partner's trust.

6. Respect Boundaries: Understand and respect each other's boundaries. Consensual and respectful physical intimacy is essential.

7. Shared Goals: Identify common goals and dreams for your relationship. Working towards shared objectives fosters a sense of unity.

In your journey to create a deeper connection, consider platforms like Dahlia. Forming intimate connections through the means of hyper-personalized matchmaking is their priority, offering a space where you can meet like-minded individuals that fit your attachment styles. With Dahlia, you can explore meaningful connections that go beyond the surface and play games with your partner to enhance intimacy without making it seem like an effort.

Challenges to Intimacy

Many relationships struggle with intimacy due to factors like communication barriers, trust issues, past traumas, and daily stressors. Overcoming these challenges often requires patience, effort, and sometimes professional help.


Intimacy is the glue that binds a relationship together. It's a dynamic process that requires effort from both partners. Understanding and nurturing its different forms enables couples to forge a stronger, more fulfilling relationship.


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Anurag Gulati

Anurag is a filmmaker turned farmer turned entrepreneur. Originally from Faridabad, Haryana, he loves to read and write on the subjects of relationships, free will, faith, and similar 'delusions' that collectively make us human.
Having written and directed several films before, and then working with farmers in revolutionizing their supply chain, Anurag has now landed on his latest venture called Dahlia, a new-age matchmaking app that uses games to foster purposeful intimacy. His deep knowledge of human relationships coupled with scientific research has helped hundreds of individuals navigate the landscape of modern romance with authenticity and confidence.